Pintar una flor de Pascua
sáb, 07 dic
¡Celebra la fiesta con nuestro taller de pintura de flores de Pascua de diciembre! ¡Únete a nosotros para crear tu propia obra maestra navideña aprendiendo cómo pintamos nuestras flores de Pascua con colores personalizados y probándolo tú mismo!

Horario y ubicación
07 dic 2024, 12:30 – 13:30
Laurel, 31494 Greenhouse Ln, Laurel, DE 19956, EE. UU.
Acerca del evento
Get festive with our December Paint Your Own Poinsettia Workshop! Join us to create your very own holiday masterpiece by learning how we paint our poinsettias custom colors and getting to try it out yourself!
We’ll provide everything you need—plant-safe paint, glue, glitter, and gloves—to help you design a one-of-a-kind seasonal showstopper.
Cost: $20 per person (includes poinsettia and all decorating materials)
Limited to 15 participants
Pre-payment required, payable in-store